Volume 11 2018 of SLM (featuring substantial work by Steven Christopher Carey, Elizabeth Fenimore, Eileen Aronson Ireland, Kyle Moreno and Neal Storrs) is available for $6.49 (free shipping is available if you purchase $35 of books or etc. and select the standard free-shipping prompts at check-out) through amazon.com. Follow the link below, or, in the amazon site (books) search window, type Spot Lit Susan Hansell ed., or, type the name of one of the contributors, and the issue should pop up. To access all Spot Lit issues, type Spot Literary Magazine or Spot Lit or Susan Hansell ed. into the (books) search window, and all ten issues from the first five years of publication, as well as all five double-issues in the newer annual format, should come up.

SLM 11 (2018 double issue) features 115 pages of work by Steven Christopher Carey (poetry), Elizabeth Fenimore (photography), Eileen Aronson Ireland (poetry), Kyle Moreno (poetry), Neal Storrs (fiction).

Follow this link to the 2018 issue Spot Lit (Volume 11):  https://www.amazon.com/Spot-Lit-Susan-Hansell-ed/dp/1985871629/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1520755887&sr=1-2&keywords=Susan+Hansell&dpID=21pkKVPEQ5L&preST=_SY291_BO1,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch


The entire back catalog from the first five years 2007 - 2012 (ten issues) of SPOTLIT (as well as the subsequent double-issue output produced annually in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018) are all available on amazon.com -- simply type Spot Literary Magazine into the amazon.com search window and all SLM titles will be displayed. Each issue is priced in the $7 dollar (or under) range. To receive free shipping, add SLM issues to any order over $35.

Original First-Printing Hardcopy Back issues are in limited supply but can be obtained for $15.00 per each copy which includes mailing costs. To obtain back issue/s, send your check to Spot Write Literary Corporation, 4729 E. Sunrise Dr., Box 254, Tucson, AZ 85718-4535. Or notify the editor via email <susan.hansell@gmail.com> with your back order request so that your wishes can be expedited. 


SLM 11 (2018 double issue) features 115 pages of work by Steven Christopher Carey (poetry), Elizabeth Fenimore (photography), Eileen Aronson Ireland (poetry), Kyle Moreno (poetry), Neal Storrs (fiction).

SLM 10 (2017 double issue) features 110 pages of work by Michael Buckley (fiction), Linda Delmont (poetry), Susan Hansell (poetry), Eileen Aronson Ireland (poetry), Denny E. Marshall (drawings), Jonathan Rapp (poetry).

SLM 9 (2016 double issue) is a double issue (133 pages) devoted entirely to 1) a multi-genre collection, Hawaiian Homes, by Christian Lozada; 2) a collection of poetry, Seizing Hold of What Will Not Be Held, by Lisa Manning; and 3) ten photographs from the photographic-series, 5 Square Miles, by Elizabeth Fenimore.

SLM 8 (2015 double issue) is a double issue (108 pages) devoted entirely to 1) a book-length poetry collection, Splints and Splinters, by Eileen Aronson Ireland; 2) a chapter-length excerpt, "Went-Went Girl," from the book-length memoir, Tales of an Ancient Go-Go Girl, by Joan Jobe Smith; and 3) nine photographs by a. paul cartier.

SLM 7 (2014 double issue) is a double-issue (132 pages) devoted entirely to 1) the book-length poetry/photography collaboration, has the river of the body risen, by Lori Lubeski and Jeannette C. Landrie; and 2) the novella-length story "The Egg Tree" by Michael Buckley.   


SLM 5.2 (Fall 2011) The "Milestones" Issue:

Christopher Woods “Rooftops in Moonlight” (photo)
Manuel Cautle “Untitled” (poem, trans. Toshiya Kamei)
Carl Palmer “waiting” (poem)
Nathan E. White “Brief Notices for the Agony Column”
Rodney Nelson “Not an Elegy” (poem)
Daniel Pearlman “Standing Firm” (story)
Jennifer Woo “I Only Have Eyes for You” (multi-media)
Lisa Manning “Grilled Cheese on White Bread” (poem)
Tobi Cogswell “Humidity” (poem)
Eileen Aronson Ireland “The Fall of Paris” (poem) 
J. J. Steinfeld “Anniversary Party, November 9, 2010, at
     a Luxurious Downtown Hotel” (poem)
John G. Rodwan, Jr. “Playlist Directives” (poem)
Tobi Cogswell “Erected by James MacDonald, Loving
     Husband” (poem)
Werner A. Low “The Same Leaf” (story)  
Lisa Manning “Lavelle and Iris Almost Burn Up” (story)
Denny E. Marshall “Twenty” (drawing)
Michael Buckley “Pristine” (story)
Jennifer Woo “A Candy Coated Sky” (photo)
Phyllis Mass “Finally Did It” (story)
Jonathan Rapp “Excursion Mountain” (poem)
Eileen Aronson Ireland “Grandma” (poem) 
Manuel Cautle “Untitled” (poem, trans. Toshiya Kamei)
Christopher Woods “If Wishes Were Horses” (photo)
Lisa Manning “Any Hint of Tomorrow”
     (prose poem series)
Denny E. Marshall “The Secret Shortcut” (drawing) 
Michael Buckley “Pirates” (story)
a. paul cartier “22nd” (photo)
Jonathan Rapp “Corso Vittorio Emanuele” (poem)

SLM 5.1 (Spring 2011) The Fifth Unthemed Issue:

Christopher Woods "All the Lost Secrets" (photo)

Estrella del Valle (Trans. Toshiya Kamei) "Spring" (poem)

Jonathan Rapp "Long Island City" (poem)

Carl Palmer "Chambers Cree" (poem)

J. J. Steinfeld "Dream Interpretation" (poem)

Shelagh Davis "Beautiful Scar" (poem)

Bill Mohr "The Disputes" (poem)

Elizabeth Switaj "To a Post-Breakup Fantasy" (poem)

Luisa Peña "Sequi" (poem)

Bill Mohr "The Barren Tree" (poem)

Tobi Cogswell "Brunch" (poem)

Oriana Ivy "My First Love Wears Dentures" (poem)

Shelagh Davis "The Embrace" (poem)

Brad Bisio "Roses" (story)

a. paul cartier "White Lady" (photo)

Eileen Aronson Ireland "Reprieve" (poem)

Joan Jobe Smith "Dancing in a River of Stars" (poem)

Vincent Joseph Noto "The Last Henhouse" (poem)

Estrella del Valle (Trans. Toshiya Kamei) "Fairies' Children" (poem)

Jeffrey C. Alfier "Redondo Beach Fragment" (poem)

Michael Buckley "Pristine" (story)

Neila Mezynski "Her That Pretends" (poem)

Neila Mezynski "Them That Lives Under One Roof" (poem)

Denny Marshall "2020 Vision" (drawing)

John G. Rodwan, Jr. "The Punch Not Thrown" (story)

Jeffrey C. Alfier "Improvisation in Any Town" (poem)

Oriana Ivy "Thanking a Friend for The Better Homes and Gardens Decorating Book"

Joan Jobe Smith "The Carol Burnett Show" (poem)

a. paul cartier "Mitchell" (photo)

Chance Fraser "Bay Windows" (memoir)

Fred Voss "One Flew Over the Machine Shop" (poem)

Zack Strait "King" (poem)

Michael Buckley "Fathers as Found Art" (story)

Estrella del Valle (Trans. Toshiya Kamei) "Untitled Poem"

Zack Strait "Horse and Rider Token" (poem)

Phyllis Mass "I Remember Everything" (poem)

Bill Mohr "Still Life Sorcery" (Mexican Primroses) (poem)

Lorene V. Garrett "High Flight:  An Excerpt from the Memoir, Blackbird"

Tamara Madison "Idols" (poem)

Eileen Aronson Ireland "Country" (poem)

Vincent Joseph Noto "Cholame:  Junction Interstate 46/41" (poem)

Lorene V. Garrett "Oxmoor:  An Excerpt from the Memoir, Blackbird"

Denny Marshall "Slowly Losing Thoughts" (drawing)

J. J. Steinfeld "A Life, a Night" (poem)

Andrew Hilbert "A Simple Reason to Smoke" (poem)

Phyllis Mass "The Inferno" (poem)

Michael Miller "The Poet's Nightmare" (poem)

Bill Mohr "Homemade Doughnut Advice" (found poem)

Tobi Cogswell "Two Different Levels of Cake" (poem)

Ricki Mandeville "Gardening" (poem)

Tamara Madison "Sweet Potato" (poem)

Estrella del Valle (Trans. Toshiya Kamei) "Frida with Butterfly Wings"

Christopher Woods "Corner Window" (photo)

SLM 4.2 (Fall 2010) The "Philosophies" Issue (TOC):

Jennifer Woo “Hush” (photo composition)
Anna Badua “Evolution” (poem)
Laurel Ann Bogen “Death Valley 6.2” (poem)            
Luisa Peña “La República del Río Grande” (poem)
Isolda Dosamantes “Innocence” (poem, translated from the
     Spanish by Toshiya Kamei)
Jonathan Rapp “What Would You Like” (poem)
John G. Rodwan, Jr. “Other Wor(l)ds: Reflections on
     Translation and Literary Tradition” (essay)
a. paul cartier “Chinatown” (photo)
Hazzel Yen “The Empty Room” (poem)
Lorene V. Garrett “Medicino” (poem)
Joan Jobe Smith “Staying Alive, Summer of Love,
     1967” (poem)   
Oriana Ivy “The Persistence of Reality” (poem)   
Lori Lubeski “and the river opens for the righteous” (poem)     
Clint Margrave “Hearing Loss” (poem)     
Oriana Ivy “Driving from the Airport” (poem)      
Carl Palmer “Out of the Kitchen” (haibun poem)      
J. J. Steinfeld “An Examined Life” (poem)     
Bill Mohr “The Copyists” (essay)      
 Kyle Moreno “Love Will Tear Us Apart” (photo)      
Brooks Roddan “A Pineapple Is Not a Grapefruit” (poem)     
Eric Morago “The Procedure” (poem)     
Fred Voss “Something the Job Ad Never Mentions” (poem)     
Jeffrey C. Alfier “Surveyed by a Sun Threading Machine
     Shop Windows” (poem)     
Bill Mohr “Cold Morning in a Canyon” (poem)     
Michael Buckley “A Writing Teacher Insists on Yearning”
Lori Lubeski “Gracefully, the hands of the surgeon” (poem)
Anna Press “In the Lobby” (poem)     
Hazzel Yen “The Soul” (mixed media)        
Kyle Moreno “No One Belongs Here More Than You” (photo)     
Stephen Ira “Moby Dick” (poem)     
Sergio A. Ortiz “These fabricated lines” (poem)     
David Jordan “Strangers” (poem)      
J. R. Pearson “From 8 Equations” (excerpt of poem series)
Brad Bisio “How He Loved Me” (story)     
Jennifer Woo “Clock Tower” (drawing)     
Brooks Rodden “So You See” (poem)   
Magdalene Fry “Talk at Dinner” (poem)   
Shelagh Davis “As for Me” (poem)   
Joan Jobe Smith “What I Learned from the Movies” (poem)
John F. Buckley “Last Lines of Poems by Fox Brummagen,
     1917-1985” (poem)   
Tobi Cogswell “Free Refill” (poem)      
J. J. Steinfeld “Drinking Philosophy” (story)   
Magdalene Fry “The Philosopher Translating Hamlet at
     Home” (poem)   
Kyle Moreno “Tastes Like Chicken” (poem)   
Bill Mohr “Reincarnation Slaughterhouse” (poem)   
a. paul cartier “Turn or Burn” (photo)   
Lisa Manning “The Devil Is a Salesman” (story)   
Gerald Uyeno “Political Grammar” (cartoon)   

SLM 4.1 (Spring 2010) The Fourth Unthemed Issue (TOC):

Jennifer Woo “Flowers - a Study” (drawing)
Jonathan Rapp “Meadow” (poem)
Shelagh Davis “Girl Talk” (poem)
Curt Last “C.B.’s” (poem)
Brad Bisio “Poolside Zen” (poem)
Lori Lubeski “Toy Soldier” (poem)
Kyle Moreno “Lines” (photo)
Christy Wise “Close to the Wind” (essay)
Jesse Goldberg-Strassler “Almost a Love Story” (story)
a. paul cartier “Art Grant” (photo)
Lorene V. Garrett “Coming Undone” (poem)
Lorene V. Garrett “Boredom IV” (poem)
Suzanne Allen “Sticky” (poem)
Joan Jobe Smith “Microwave Love Songs” (poem)
Fred Voss “Teatime at the O.K. Corral” (poem)
Brooks Roddan “On Poetry Boulevard” (poem)
Kyle Moreno “everything that happens will happen
     today” (photo)
Alireza Taheri Araghi (untitled photo)
Bill Mohr “The Laughter of the Damned” (poem) 
Stephen Ira “Rosie” (poem)
Andrew Hilbert “iguana kelley’s” (poem)
Jeffrey C. Alfier “Toward the Obsolescence of Kissing
     Booths” (poem)
Tobi Cogswell “Everything Good about Paris” (poem)
a. paul cartier “Merida PM #1” (photo) 
Mike Guardabascio “In the Cracks” (story)
a. paul cartier “Stern Grove” (photo)
Michael Buckley “Human Hair Wig” (story)
Hazzel Yen “Lightness” (mixed media)
Lori Lubeski “Star without Sky” (poem)
Lori Lubeski “Pale song” (poem)
Lisa Manning “They Might Let You Go but They Cannot
     Clean the Madness out of You” (poem)
Eric Morago “Icarus” (poem)
Luke Salazar “Almost Empty” (poem)
Hazzel Yen “Inner War” (mixed media)
John G. Rodwan, Jr. “Detroit Undead” (essay)
Alireza Taheri Araghi (untitled photo)
Brooks Rodden “Above Santa Barbara” (poem)
Luisa Peña “The Life of the Modern Fruit” (poem)
Lisa Manning “Down” (poem)
Gerald Uyeno “Magic Cactus” (drawing)

SLM 3.2 (Fall 2009) The "Families" Issue (TOC):

Alireza Taheri Araghi (untitled photo)
Christian Hanz Lozada “The Falcon 500” (poem)
Stephen Mead “Rise” (poem)
Katrina Prow “Portrait of My Parents, 1983” (poem)
Christopher Mulrooney “the ward of my six wives” (poem)
a. paul cartier “Carnaval 80” (photo)
Brooks Roddan “Mirror” (poem)
Suejin Suh “Long After Some” (prose poem)
Joan Jobe Smith “Good Wives Don’t Drive” (poem)
Kyle Moreno “Sisters” (poem)
Werner Low “The Other Daughter” (story)
Dennis Duncan “Chronograms” (poem)
Hazzel Yen “Imagination Creation Digestion” (mixed media)
Christa Westaway “Pill Bugs” (story)
Joan Jobe Smith “The Most Miserable Go-Go Girl
     of Them All” (poem)
Shelagh Davis “That Which Hath Wings Shall Tell the Matter”
     (prose poem)
Joseph Reich “The Family Tree and the Roots and the Weeds” (poem)
John G. Rodwan, Jr. “The Banana Eater” (essay)
Gerald Uyeno “Bonehead Therapy” (cartoon)
Jeffrey C. Alfier “Prayer for Winsett Street” (poem)
Shelagh David “Predator” (poem)
Donal Mahoney “An Irish Christening” (poem)
Jennifer Woo “Welcome Home” (drawing)
Brad Bisio “Someone I Used to Know” (story)
Michael Estabrook “Majestic Beneath Her Umbrella”  (poem)
Bill Mohr “The Decanter” (poem)
Fred Voss “Turning Frank into Fred Astaire” (poem) 
Alireza Taheri Araghi (untitled photo)
Lorene V. Garrett “City on the Edge of Forever” (poem)
Michael Buckley “In the Summer We Eat Roses” (story)
Stephen Mead “The Movie of Our Lives” (poem)
a. paul cartier “Gold Coast” (photo)
Tobi Cogswell “Landlady #5” (poem)
Tobi Cogswell “Holding Pattern” (poem)
Fred Voss “Rolling Dice from the Shoulder” (poem)
Christian Hanz Lozada “What You See in Hawaii When
     Married to a Hawaiian” (story)
Jeffrey C. Alfier “The Beachcomber” (poem)
Luisa Peña “A white ceiling yields no answers” (poem)
a. paul carter “Weddings, Lake Tahoe” (photo) 
Macrae Sutherland “Her Side of the Bed” (poem)
Kyle Moreno “King-sized Mattress” (prose poem)
Clint Margrave “My Father’s Brain” (poem)
Steven Carey “Belly Lint” (poem)
Hazzel Yen “Cyber Love” (mixed media)
Greggory Moore “Internal Affairs” (story)
Lisa Manning “Fathom” (poem)
Susan Hansell “Little Kings” (play)
a paul cartier “Merida PM #3” (photo)

SLM 3.1 (Spring 2009) The Third Unthemed Issue (TOC):

Brooks Roddan “At the Shore” (poem)                                                                  

Rick Kilpatrick “Languages Grow Among Stars” (poem)                                  

Jonathan Rapp “Devil of Summer” (poem)                                                         

Jeffrey Alfier “Puerto Escondido” (poem)
Tobi Cogswell “Massage Chairs” (poem)
Kyle Moreno “Hands” (photo)
Stephen Mead “Consecration” (poem)
Bill Mohr “Better Yet, Both Thieves Cursed” (poem)
Gerald Uyeno “Bail Out” (cartoon)
Jennifer Woo “Dreamscapepawn” (drawing)
Michael Buckley “Hit” (story)
Jennifer Woo “Keyhole” (drawing)
Laurel Ann Bogen “Taking Care of Futurism” (poem)
Tobi Cogswell “Trading Light for Winter” (poem)
Michael Lee Johnson “Bird Feeder” (poem)
Brooks Roddan “The Nature of Art” (poem)
Joan Jobe Smith “Minding the Eternal Generation Gap with Virginia Woolf” (poem)
Steven Carey “The Scientist and the Watch” (poem)
Laurel Ann Bogen “My Celluloid Heroes” (poem)
Kyle Moreno “Water” (photo)
Lisa Manning “Static” (essay)
Jennifer Woo “Marbles” (drawing)
Bill Mohr “Poem Commemorating Tours of Duty” (poem/series)
Michael Buckley “A Quiet Complete Place (story)
Robert L. Wells “4th Street” (photo)
Rick Kilpatrick “To Live a Deathless Name” (poem)
Donal Mahoney "The Landlord" (poem)
Bill Mohr “The Restoration” (poem)
Stephen Mead “Getting Clean Hands” (poem)
Jade Hidle “Rough Pony” (story)
Jonathan Rapp “Listen Left, Twice” (poem)
Fred Voss “He’d Better Use a Net” (poem)
Robert L. Wells “2 Bars” (photo)
Kyle Moreno “Death of a Flower” (poem)
Greggory Moore “Another City of Light” (story)
Milos Petrovic “Water” (poem)
Joseph Reich “Four Excerpts from When There Were Seasons” (poem/series)
Hazzel Yen "Once Upon a Time in the Gardens of Time" (mixed media)

SLM 2.2 (Fall 2008) The "World/s" Issue TOC):
Greggory Moore “Color Me World” (prose)                                                           
Lisa Manning “On Our Watch” (poem)                                                                 
Paul Lieber “Allied Model Train Store” (poem)
Michael Buckley “Ice Blocking” (story)
Bill Mohr “Exactitude” (poem)
Suejin Suh “In Between” (poem)
Tobi Cogswell “Jumping the Constellations” (poem)
Jonathan Rapp “The City” (play)
Steve De France “I Am a Seagull” (poem)
Matthew Karver “Delicate” (poem)
Jeffrey C. Alfier “5 am. – Awaiting the Airport Shuttle” (poem)
Luke Salazar “Persona” (poem)
Anne Finger “Scout” (story)
Lori Lubeski “prayer” (poem)
Elizabeth Iannaci “Short Cut” (poem)
Greggory Moore “It Turned Out Reality Was Overrated” (prose)
Lisa Manning “The Ghost of St. Augustine” (story)
Gerald Uyeno “Taco Heights Haiku Haiku” (poem series)
Christian Lozada “Fishing in Dirty Water” (story)
Jeffrey C. Alfier “Deflection Toward a Back Street, Los Angeles” (poem)
Steve De France “Exile in the Land of the Dead” (poem)
Susan Hansell “Rollover Othello” (play)
Curtis Last “Broken Window Coconut” (poem)
Suejin Suh “Unbothered” (poem)
Greggory Moore “Johnny Bench, E.L.O., and Other Things from My Childhood”
John G. Rodwan, Jr. “Partitions on Parade” (essay)
Tobi Cogswell “Transubstantiation” (poem)
Jennifer Lester “Ignore the Door” (poem)
Elizabeth Fenimore “Dead Man, New York City” (photo)

SLM 2.1 (Spring 2008) The Second Unthemed Issue TOC):

Hari Bhajan Khalsa, “Blue” (poem)

Jennifer Lester, “Blue” (poem)  

Greggory Moore, “K.K.” (story)    
Michelle Lauren Kay, “All Cities Are the Same” (story)
Robert L. Wells, “Fern’s Drinkers and the Joker” (photo)
Suzanne Allen, “Candle” (poem)
Elizabeth Iannaci, “Calypso Awake” (poem)
Tobi Cogswell, “How to Vanish” (poem)
Jeffrey Alfier, “Fidelity” (poem)
Matthew Karver, “Accomplice” (poem)
Curtis Last, “Precursor” (poem)
David Barnes, “She waits for the rush of the tide” (story)
Mark Gurarie, “In Peanut Shells” (story)
Steve De France, “Over the Rainbow” (poem)
Elizabeth Fenimore, “Self-Portrait” (photo)
John G. Rodwan, Jr., “Ink” (essay)
Jeffrey Alfier, “’Calling it’ at 3 a.m.” (poem)
Tobi Cogswell, “All She Can Do” (poem)
Christopher Mulrooney, “my fair and faith” (poem)
Jonathan Rapp, “Manual Roses” (poem)
David E. Howerton, “Tyrannical youth mutter godhead” (poem)
Elizabeth Fenimore, “Acupuncture Baby” (photo)
Susan Hansell, “It Means Dick” (play)
Christopher Mulrooney, “a purpose under heaven” (poem)
Steve De France, “Rain” (poem)
Hari Bhajan Khalsa, “Love on Paper, Celluloid” (poem)
Neal Storrs, “Harem Queen” (story)
Robert L. Wells, “Mikey and Elvis at Alex’s” (photo)
Luke Salazar, “All, or Nothing at All” (poem)
David E. Howerton, “Who Decides” (poem)
Gerald Uyeno, “Demo Haiku” (poem)
Jennifer Lester, “Currents” (poem)
Jonathan Rapp, “Theater Notes” (poem)
Elizabeth Iannaci, “Art and an Annotation Tango (poem)

SLM 1.2 (Fall 2007) The "All Holiday Review" Issue (TOC):                           

Brendan Constantine, “Something You Can Use” (poem)
Joshua Peralta, “Returning at Dusk from a Walk in the Hills” (poem) 
Julianna McCarthy, “New Year’s Eve, 1938” (poem)
Jonathan Rapp, “Outdoor Table” (poem) 
Connie Pham, “Second Cousins” (poem)  
Elizabeth Iannaci, “At Dinner” (poem) 
Steve De France, “Winter of Our Discontent” (poem) 
Bill Mohr, “Personal Chef” (poem) 
Jennifer Lester, “A Note for My Birthday” (poem) 
Robert L. Wells, “Birthday at Fern’s” (photo)  
Lainee Frizzo, “Secret Santa” (story)   
John G. Rodwan, Jr., “King and Me” (essay)
Joshua Peralta, “Wild Amaryllis in Pescadero Cemetary” (photo)  
Elizabeth Iannaci, “Second Moon” (poem)   
Steve De France, “Christ at K-Mart 2007” (poem)  
Bill Mohr, “Alphabetical Holiday” (poem)   
Mark Gurarie, “Year of the Cock” (poem)   
Julianna McCarthy, “Annunciation” (poem)   
Susan Hansell, “Mary Mary” (play)  
Elizabeth Fenimore, “Carnival” (photo)  
Lori Lubeski, “Slush FIGURINE” (poem)   
Greggory Moore, “A Few Remains” (story)   
Joshua Peralta, “On Unhurried Evenings Like This” (poem)  
Jonathan Rapp, “Holiday” (poem)   
Greggory Moore, “A Personal Essay on Individual Phenomenology for a Friend
    (Merry Christmas, Janna)”  
Tobi Cogswell, “New Year Tale” (poem)   
Suzanne Allen, “Funny” (poem)   
G.P. Uyeno, “ukiaH Haiku” (poem)   
Natalie Hurter, “From an Old Blue Shoebox” (poem)  
“Found Object” (front) Christmas Card, c. 1950   
“Found Object” (back) Christmas Card, c. 1950   
Neil Storrs, “Consummation” (story)   
Suzanne Allen, “Three Star View” (poem) 

SLM 1.1 (Spring 2007) The Inaugural (Unthemed) Issue TOC):                            

Bill Mohr, “Keyboard Thumb Inspection” (poem) 
Jonathan Rapp, “Old Coyote Den” (poem) 
Lori Lubeski, “Land” (poem)  
Brendan Constantine, “Errata” (poem)  
Grim, “Superstars” (poem)  
Jennifer Lester, “One Gets Weighed Down” (poem)  
Elizabeth Fenimore, “Amnestie” (photo)   
Mallory Reeves, “Entrophy” (story)  
Joshua Peralta, “The Activists: A Moving Story of Mistreatment” (story)  
Suzanne Allen, “Too Smart” (prose poem)  
Neal Storrs, “Entanglement” (story)  
Connie Pham, “Stop Road Blocks” (photo)  
Jonathan Rapp, “Fassbinder’s Teahouse” (poem)  
Rachel Maize, “I Hold Desire in My Hands” (poem)   
Lori Lubeski, “Your face in my dark clouds” (poem)  
Suzanne Allen, “Milk” (poem)  
Connie Pham, “What Happens” (poem)  
Bill Mohr, “The Hard Return” (poem)  
Chris Jara, “Speed. Noise. Hardcore. Rags.” (drawing)  
Susan Hansell, “We Are All Dick 3” (play)  
Grim, “Untitled” (charcoal)   

PLEASE NOTE:  SLM was on hiatus in the calendar years of 2012 and 2013, and resumed publishing with Vol. 7 2014. There is no volume 6.

Selected (original) back issues of SPOT LITERARY MAGAZINE may also be available at [Open] Books in Long Beach, CA, and at Shakespeare and Company, in Paris, France.

To place your address on the SLM email notification list, please email the editor <susan.hansell@gmail.com>.

Via email, you may reach the editor <susan.hansell@gmail.com> or the publisher <gpuyeno@hotmail.com>.

For further information check the website <http:www.susan-hansell.net>.